Support and service

Need help? You will find information on e.g. device maintenance and datasheet service, as well as contact information for technical support and service personnel on our support pages.

Instruction manuals

Instruction manuals

You will find all needed information of operation and maintenance for your device in Autorobot device-specific user manual, these instructions are included with the equipment. Electronic versions of the manual (pdf) are available for most devices in our Extranet service. Login and password for the user manual service located in the Extranet are given to registered customers. If you have a measuring datasheet subscription, you will receive credentials automatically.


Maintenance of Autorobot products

  • EzCalipre tram gauges should be calibrated at least every six (6) months. You can perform the calibration yourself according to the instructions shown in the manual.
  • Autorobot 3D measuring system containing measuring arch and underbody measuring device (both mechanical and electronic) must be calibrated and inspected for correct operation every two (2) years.
  • With Autorobot car frame machines/lifts at least functionality and lubrication of the mechanical locking system must be carried out annually.
  • Contact your local dealer if you need further information about maintenance of Autorobot products.

Service and technical support contact persons

Service and technical support contact persons

Body straightening and Equipment
Mechanical measuring technique & Devices

Electronic measuring devices
Measuring software (Datasheet Suite)

Jarkko Venäläinen
Technical Manager

+358 10 322 5720
+358 50 027 4794
[email protected]

Information and answers to common questions

Support and service

General information about equipment that needs service and information on technical support and spare parts.

Measuring data service

Autorobot’s 3D measuring data service delivers specifications on both the vehicle’s chassis and upper body.


How is sufficient support provided for pull and/or counter-pulls? How are different vehicle makes and models fastened to Autorobot machines?


Login and password to Autorobot Extranet are given to registered Autorobot customers. Please contact your local dealer for further information.

Our customers tell

  • Minun kokemukseni palvelusta on ollut erittäin hyvä, samoin saamani materiaalit.

    Pentti Kaura
    Kolarikorjaamo Pentti Kaura Ky, Peräseinäjoki

  • Hyvää palvelua ammatitaidolla höystettynä.

    Mika Kaskinen
    Autoehoste Kaskinen Oy, Savonlinna

  • Tuotteiden perinpohjainen, asiantunteva ja kärsivällinen esittely, kuten myös eri
    rahoitusmallien läpikäynti.

    Risto Häkkinen
    Kolarikorjauskeskus R.Häkkinen, Kotka ja Imatra

  • Ystävällinen ja asiantunteva palvelu sekä iloinen ja elämänmyönteinen asenne.

    Harri Ahonen
    Vaurioturva, Helsinki

  • Hyvä palvelu ja nopeat toimitukset. Kaikki laitteet ovat toimineet juuri niinkuin on sanottu.

    Jari Vuori
    Meriniityn automaalaamo, Salo

  • Autorobotilta ostamani tuotteet ovat olleet laadukkaita ja pitkäikäisiä, palvelu on ollut nopeaa ja luotettavaa. Kiitos!

    Markku Hellen
    Kolarityö MH Ky, Pyhäsalmi

  • Ystävällinen henkilökunta ja palvelu.

    Ari Palonen

  • Asiantunteva ja nopea palvelu. Aina saa kiinni, jos apua tarvitsee!
    Tuotteet hyvät ja toimivat.

    Hannele Nikander
    Tarktoauto Oy

  • Palvelu ja toimitus nopeaa, kriisiapu erittäin nopeaa.

    Kari Pentikäinen
    Automaalaamo Kari Pentikäinen Oy

  • Hyvä palvelu ja nopeat toimitukset. Olemme aina saaneet teknistä neuvontaa hyvin.

    Okkonen Kai
    Lapinkoulutuskeskus REDU

Why to choose Autorobot?

We want to see car collision repair in a bigger picture than just straightened panels. We have brought new innovations, developed working methods and working ergonomics for the industry. We have lived with our customers in both dented and straightened moments. We are committed to our job and constantly evolving together with the industry.

Explore the benefits